The Little International New York Prince
Les adultes ne comprennent jamais rien par eux-mêmes, Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, et il est fastidieux pour les enfants d’être toujours et pour toujours expliquer les choses à…
DetailsLes adultes ne comprennent jamais rien par eux-mêmes, Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, et il est fastidieux pour les enfants d’être toujours et pour toujours expliquer les choses à…
Detailsby Janelle Miau For the past eight years, Titmouse Animation Studio has held its annual “5 Second Day,” one day when all employees are allowed to make whatever films they…
Details“It doesn’t have to be realistic, it has to be believable,” said Darrin Butters, as we watched a variety of animals practicing their walk cycles on 2 legs. Darrin Butters…
DetailsToday we are clearing the docket. Step Inside: the BoxHead/Roundhead movie with Elliot Cowan [how to turn a story into a movie], Cartoon Monsoon at the Annoyance Theatre [where we…
DetailsDrinking and drawing go hand in hand, but I’m sure I’ve never been to a bar that would accept a sketch as payment for a beer. Although ASIFA-East offers its…
Detailsby David Howard NYPDQ tackles the dirty streets of New York and the work of two hard-nosed detectives as they clean up the city one case at a time. Except…
DetailsDue to popular demand, we are extending our deadline another week to (midnight) Sunday, Feb 7th!!! This is great news for any studio/company with public films from the last two…
DetailsHello! Just giving you a heads up about upcoming events, parties, and festival: Our film festival is coming up, and we will be accepting submissions from January 1st-31st. In brief,…
DetailsBy Asim Khan The second installment of Animation Nights New York: New York Independents was held this past Wednesday, December 9, in partnership with host venue The Fulton Stall Market…
DetailsThe conclusion of Boy and the World brings us back to Alê Abreu and our world, face to face with a boy and his question. “How long has it been?”…