Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queers, Asexuals, Intersex, Questioning, even Demisexuals… they all make films too!
It’s time for the 3rd “Queer Animation” show!
Our first show was such a success (read more), we are looking for new films to showcase at our annual screening in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and with our partner FlameCon. Tristian Goik is putting together an LGBTQ themed animation screening for Pride month this June in New York City. If you are interested in participating, please let me know so we can include your short film!
As we are a non-profit organization (NY Foundation of the Arts) we cannot monetarily compensate you, but you would be helping the LGBTQ community. Furthermore, if you have other suggestions of recent films or historical LGBTQ animations, I would be happy to listen. We are interested in work from any year!
Please email asifaeastevents@gmail.com with your:
Film Title
Film length
Production Year
Country of Origin
and a download link to a COMPRESSED (preferably h264) HD digital file of your film.
And join the new Facebook Group Queer Animation to help spread awareness!
Check out the program from QA2 2018!
and follow our INSTAGRAM!