Viewseum: Katrina Villarreal
Free Spirit is a stop-motion animated short film, directed by Katrina Villarreal. Thematically, the short tackles some very dark and cerebral emotions, such as depression, isolation, disconnection, and suicide. M […]
NYU Tisch 2017 Spring Animation Showcase!
“Each Spring, the NYU Animation Area students, faculty, friends and family come together to celebrate the films and work created throughout the year! Please join us in enjoying this year’s Showcase, […]
Croodly Stated
On March 12th, “The Croods” screened at the Union Square Regal Cinemas. John Canemaker hosted a Q&A with directors Kirk De Micco & Chris Sanders. It was a rather special […]
TIME-LINE (SVA & NYU Animation) by Robert Lyons and company.
Warning: One of these segments includes frontal nudity, but simplified. Probably nothing to get offended over. I love anijams. Whatever or however the grouping works, I love seeing how […]