The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF), North America’s leading animation film festival, is pleased to announce a special offer for our partners!  One of the world’s leading animation events, the OIAF is an annual five-day affair bringing art and industry together in a vibrant hub and attracting more than 28,000 artists, producers, students and animation fans from around the world.


This year OIAF is celebrating our 40th anniversary from September 21 – 25, 2016. As one of our partners, [our] members will receive a discount on the full AnimaPass – meaning they get to partake in OIAF’s programming, parties and special 40th Anniversary events for only $215!

For more information about the different pass types and what they include, head to our website:


Editor’s note: There will not be a specific discount code, you just list membership as ASIFA in the form and you should receive a discount