Open Screening and International Animation Day!
ASIFA-East has two new exciting events coming up in October! Stay tuned for the flyers but here is the information:
ASIFA-East Annual Open Screening!
Oct 18, Monday
7 PM
SVA 209 E.23rd Street
5th floor, room 502
Admission: FREE!
Event rules: please arrive at 6:30 PM with a DVD (must be playable on any regular DVD player) of any animation you wish to screen. Student films, works-in-progress, reels, pencil tests, indie films, and commercial projects are all welcome. Please don’t bring anything longer than five minutes in length so we can make room to screen as much works as possible. Note: you (the filmmaker) must be in attendance or the clip will not be played.
Come celebrate International Animation Day with us!!!
Oct 26, Tuesday
7 PM
SVA 209 E.23rd Street
3rd floor, amphitheatre
Admission: FREE!
We invite you to a special screening of international animation in celebration of International Animation Day! Stay tuned for program details.