Local Animation Talents Get All Pretty at Beauty Bar
Article by Katie Cropper.
This past Thursday, I had the pleasure of going to Asifa’s most hybrid and fem-powered event in recent history. With the combined powers of One Plus Hub, Women In Animation, ASIFA East, and Women in Children’s Media, a lush collection of New York talent convened at the Beauty Bar here in downtown New York. The music was kept at just the right volume and the manicurist was in a whole other room so that it was an optimal network environment. It was also exciting to hear of the wide variety of projects people were working on or building up to. Though a good number seemed to be between jobs, I think the best thing one can do with the new found free time is to go to these kinds of events and work on personal projects. I went to this event knowing somewhat little of the women’s organizations ASIFA teamed up with. Who knew there was such an organized female presence in animation here in New York? Jill Gilbert of One Plus Hub deserves a good bit of praise for bringing these 3 groups together for a night among friends, comrades, and possible co-workers. The post prior to this gives a few details on what each of the organization is all about. Also the event was well attended by both sexes so please consider supporting/joining the event’s sponsors Women in Animation, Women in Children’s Media, and of course ASIFA-East.