Our friends at NY Creative Interns send us this news about their exciting new conference! Join young creatives and receive the tools and support you need to create your dream career on Saturday, April 21 at Find and Follow Your Passion, a full-day conference hosted by NY Creative Interns. Meet independent artists and creative professionals from Behance, the Guggenheim, Etsy, BBDO, Sesame Street, AOL, charity: water, Google, and more.
ASIFA East members are invited to attend at a discounted rate. The discount code will be found in this week’s ASIFA-East email newsletter sent out to all our members. Learn more and purchase your ticket at conf.nycreativeinterns.com.
Please note that discounted tickets are limited and will be available on a first come first served basis.
Find and Follow Your Passion
Saturday, April 21, 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
School of Visual Arts Fine Arts Building, 335 West 16 Street
Contact: Emily Miethner
Cell: (774) 249-8699
Email: emily@
Website: conf.nycreativeinterns.com
For Immediate Release:
March 25, 2012
NY Creative Interns, the Largest Meetup for Interns and Recent Grads in New York City,
to Host First All-Day Conference
(New York, NY) On Saturday, April 21, 2012 NY Creative Interns will host an all-day conference, “Find and Follow Your Passion,” featuring panels, discussions, and workshops designed to give emerging creative professionals the tools needed to create their dream careers.
The event is being produced in partnership with the Fine Arts Department at the School of Visual Arts, where the program will take place. Keynote speaker Josh Siegal, Writer and Producer of the popular television show, 30 Rock, will kick off the event and join speakers from the Guggenheim, Etsy, AOL, Mashable, MTV, Sesame Street, NBC, LinkedIn, and more. Sessions will include topics such as Follow Your Art: How To Thrive as An Independent Creative and Internships As Interviews: How To Land The Job.
“Our Community Manager, Marny Smith, has worked tirelessly to gather a line-up of the most impressive creative professionals New York City has to offer. This conference is the perfect opportunity to meet inspiring creatives [speakers and attendees] and to build a support network,” says Founder and President, Emily Miethner. “In the current economy, a great network is more important than ever when it comes to finding an internship or job, starting a small business, or working as an independent artist.”
Emily Miethner and Reb Carlson, both Hofstra University alumni and recent graduates themselves, formed NY Creative Interns in 2010 in an effort to promote the importance of internships, mentorship, and networking to young creatives.
NY Creative Interns has hosted over 30 events for more than 1,400 attendees in the last year. The organization has helped place young creatives in internships and entry-level jobs across creative industries through their events and curated weekly newsletter featuring the best creative internships and jobs in New York City.