ASIFA-East presents a screening of Polish animated films from the last 20 years. Covering a variety of animation mediums, techniques and moods, you will be sure to learn a lot about our friends over seas.
A collaboration between the Polish and the East-American chapters of the International Association of Animated Films. ASIFA members only.
Curated by Tristian Goik. Artwork by Tristian Goik.

“The task, which Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny (National Audiovisual Institute) entrusted us with, was easy only at first glance. We were to present a list of films which would form a panorama of young Polish animation. The Question we posed ourselves was, how to define “young”. Should we set an age limit, or should a film’s production date define the boundary? Finally, we decided to show not only the most interesting artists of recent years, but also a part of Polish animation history. it is this period in history which, due to changes in the political system as well as forms of financing cultural endeavors, proved to be a time of wast for Polish Animation. We assume that the time of interest for us spanned from 1989 to today.
From the very beginning, we were well aware that not many animated films, which have stood the test of time, were created in the 1990s. Young artists, who at the time began their adventure with animation, were often forced to find other ways of making a living. This is the reason for which animation graduates of this decade are treated as a lost generation. What is of great significant for this period is the fact, that the most interesting films by young filmmakers were created during the course of their studies at art o film schools. The improving technical background of those schools, access to professional equipment and cooperation with films studios allowed course and graduation pieces to become the mainsprings of Polish animation during the period of an animation production criss. Hence, the majority of the films presenting in this anthology are academic productions.”
~ by Mariusz Frukacz, DVD insert for “Akcja Animacja Filmy najnowsze / The Latest Action Animations Movies”