Animation friendly coworking studio, The Productive held a kickass Kidscreen Networking Party, in which they debuted their Anijam. Here’s to hoping they make this an annual event! If you haven’t seen it yet, you can view the Anijam below:
Contributing Animators:
Adam Ansorge
Christi Bertelsen
Patricia Burgess
Katie Cropper
Nelson Diaz
Jaime Ekkens
Alex Escobar
Judith Fisch
Mike Flanagan
Susan Godfrey
Tristian Goik
Emmett Goodman
Andrew Kaiko
Jaen Kuo
John Lustig
Jose-Lorenzo Maldonado
Cynthea Mazur
Pilar Newton-Katz
Efeme Onaodowan
Kristi Scheiner
Chris Scott
Mike Shoykhet
Caresse Singh
Malik Smith
Phillippe St. Gerard
Max Sweicki Marcotte
Dan Vasquez
Mo Wesselman
Rebecca Zhuolin Liu
A great collection of photos from the Kidscreen party are also online at By the way, ASIFA-East members get 10% off membership to The Productive. To learn more about the space, see our article: To learn more about becoming a member of ASIFA-East, visit our membership benefit page.