Next week, Priit Parn will be in town for an exciting program featuring his work over the years. Please read on for information on this once in a lifetime chance to meet and screen this prolific Animator’s work!
From Steve Cossman: There are six screening programs and all the advanced tickets to PROGRAM I have sold out so I wanted to share more details in case you’d like to attend one of the other 5 programs.
Evidence of his influence can be found in much of the US animation from Rugrats/Ahhh Real Monsters to SuperJail! A complimentary/supporting program entitled THE NEW PÄRNOGRAPHERS will present contemporary animated shorts by over a dozen artists from around the world whose work has been inspired by Priit Pärn. Some of the participating animators include: Koji Yamamura (Japan), Igor Kovalyov (Russia/USA), Erik Alunrum & Mihkel Reha (Estonia), Dylan Hayes (USA) Ami Lindholm (Finland), Joni Manisto (Finland), Christy Karacas (USA), Anna Virtanen (Finland), Gretta Johnson (USA) Elli Vuorinen (Finland), Kaspar Jancis (Estonia), Ülo Pikkov (Estonia) and more. One animated short will screen before a feature film each evening over the course of the 26 day period leading up to Priit’s visit on the 27th.
Full details about the screenings can be found here:http://spectacletheater.