still from Mia and the Migoo France, Jacques-Rémy Girerd
The 2009 New York International Children’s Film Festival is running from February 27 to March 15 in theatres across New York City. I’ve gone two years in a row now, and am looking forward to it. A number of animated features are shown, as well as screenings of animated shorts, Q & A’s with the filmmakers, and workshops. It is a very well-attended event, complete with booster seats for all the children who come too. And you, the audience, get to vote for the winning shorts! Opening night will feature the US premiere of Mia and the Migoo, by Jacques-Rémy Girerd of France, followed by a Q & A with the filmmaker. Any ASIFA-East member who attends the festival and wants to report on their experience here, please let me know, and I’ll get your post up! Use the contact form on this site.
To see the schedule and purchase tickets, click here. Enjoy the festival!!