ANIMATOR 2010 International Competition of Animated Films in Poznan, Poland, celebrating its third year, reminds ASIFA members that the final entry deadline is looming for entries!The festival, which will occur July 12-17, is open to “artistic animated films of all techniques” up to 30 min. A Grand Prix of 60 000 PLN (ca. 13.000 Euros) will be awarded by an international jury including Nancy Denney-Phelps, Mariusz Wilczynski, Dennis Tupicoff and Brigitta Ivanyi-Bitter, and ASIFA-East’s own George Griffin. The entry form and regulations can be downloaded from must be postmarked by March 31, 2010—so you still have time.You may contact the festival by phone at +48 61 850 16 55, or e-mail : KosarinASIFA-East International Representative