Debuting in 1969, the ASIFA-East Animation Festival is one of the longest running festivals of its kind. Our festival is a unique showcase for the most groundbreaking independent and commercial animation being produced in the industry today.

Every year, short films are submitted by filmmakers and judged during jury screenings by the members of our organization. Although these events are free and available to the public, only current ASIFA members are able to take part in the voting process to democratically rate and choose the festival finalists. Archived video of each program will be available for voting members, and digital ballots will be provided. We invite members to vote as they watch the films, or take notes during the program so they can fill out the survey at their leisure.

After the votes are tallied, the festival winners are announced at an awards ceremony in the Spring, a theatrical screening with a lively reception, where award winners, members of the industry, and lovers of animation can meet one another, network, and enjoy a few refreshments.

Festival Submissions

During our festival season, we accept films through our FilmFreeway account. Early Bird Submissions typically begin at the end of December, and continue through the first two months of the following year. As we are a regional festival, anyone from the United States can submit, but ASIFA members receive a significant discount on their entry fee. We also showcase commissioned work from the immensely talented local animation industry!

Please read our NEW RULES AND TERMS carefully for the 2025 year! In particular, STUDENT films!

  • Submissions Open: December 19th, 2024
    Submit by January 25th, 2025 to save on festival fees!
  • Final Deadline is February 14th, 2025.
    *Films produced before July 1, 2023 are not eligible.

Attention Members: check your email inboxes for an exclusive discount code!

There are categories of Independent Film, Commissioned Work, Student Film, Experimental Film and Music Videos, with First through Third prizes.*

There are Craft awards for Writing, Animation, Education, Soundtrack, and Design (with one prize in each). Our “Best in Show” (highest rated) winner receives the coveted Peggy Award statuette (Student Films not eligible).*

In Person Screenings: Stay tooned for any information about future virtual and in-person screenings.

*The final decision for all awards will be made by the Festival Committee, based on the results of judging by the membership of ASIFA-East. In some circumstances, including overall quantity and/or quality of submissions, awards may tie, and/or greater or fewer prizes may be issued.)


  • Film must have been produced after July 1, 2023, and must be received no later than Feb. 14th, 2025, accompanied by a completed entry form and all entry fees.
  • Film must not have been entered in previous ASIFA-East festivals. Films must be received by the deadline to be considered.
  • At this time, we are only accepting entries from the United States of America, as our festival focuses on the Northeast of our country.
  • Films longer than 22 minutes will be asked to provide an excerpt of 5-10 minutes.
  • Student Films
    • In order to highlight local talent, we are only accepting student films from the Northeast region of the USA, specifically the following states:
      • New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont, and Pennsylvania.
    • Student Films longer than 7 minutes will be asked to provide an excerpt of 5 minutes.


  • Please provide a link to the downloadable video. Videos must use the H.264 codec and follow the compression guidelines at Vimeo Help.
  • We have a 1GB file size cap per entry [file size can exceed limit if film is over 10 minutes, on a case by case basis].   

Entries that do not follow these guidelines will be disqualified.

Please email us at if you need advice.

  • Work(s) submitted to, and selected for, the ASIFA-East Animation Festival is/are intended for public exhibition by ASIFA at the ASIFA-East Animation Festival, including its juried screenings and awards ceremony, and/or partner ASIFA National Groups strictly in the context of not-for-profit, ASIFA-curated events intended primarily for active ASIFA members and at which no admission shall be charged, income realized, consideration provided, or attribution provided beyond that which appears in the Work(s). Screening lists may be published. ASIFA-East warrants that it shall not otherwise exhibit, sell, or distribute any submitted Work(s) without express written agreement with the rights-holder. By submitting Work(s) to the ASIFA-East Animation festival you permit and warrant that you are fully authorized to permit such exhibition of the Work(s) as provided above. ASIFA-East will not be responsible for infringements of rights of entries accepted for screening by the jury.
  • Categories may be merged.
    • If category turnout is too low for a complete program, submissions may be asked to re-classify as another category for competition.
  • Some educational institutions offer to reimburse their student’s festival fees
    • Students, please contact your teachers for more information on receiving an exclusive student film festival fee waiver code. 
    • Educators, please email to learn how to engage in this program!
    • Due to the high volume of student films, we are limiting school discount codes to 15 films per departmentThis will allow for collegiate diversity in the Student Film category. 
  • The Student Film category may be capped out at a maximum program screening duration.
    • Student Film submissions will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis (if this happens, rules and members will be updated).
    • Students should consider if their film can compete in other categories, such as Music Video, to improve competition.  Team projects could compete on the Independent level.
  • Women In Animation may present a special award for your consideration.

Past Festivals