American Ultra Features Animation by Gary Lieb
This just in from our friend Gary Lieb!
Just wanted the ASIFAEAST community to know that “my” film American Ultra (2015) opens tomorrow everywhere. I spent the first 6 months of 2015 hand drawing 3 minutes of animation for this action/gore/comedy/romance/spy thriller.
At the end of the film it busts into a cartoon/end title sequence featuring Mike Howell’s (stoner cartoonist played by the great Jesse Eisenberg) comic book creation Apollo Ape killing loads of people and creatures in gross ways. I had a great time working with the director and he encouraged all my weirder impulses. I also did a prop sketchbook seen on camera when Mike is drawing stuff, as if cartoonists smoked weed and drew in their sketchbooks all day, so unrealistic 🙂
I have some production art up on my tumbler blog.
- Gary Leib .