This fun little note came from our friend Richard Mather. Hope to see you there.
To animators, I’m having an animation contest in Brooklyn, NY at Matchless bar Friday March 6th. I am going to play a DVD of all the animations I can get to a crowd and the winner gets a $100 bar tab at matchless bar. Let me know if you or anyone you know are interested. The night is called Dicko’s Cartoon Riff Raff Roundup Festival! Please send links and not files for entries. The crowd will pick the winner and I am not eligible to win. I want to start it around 9:00 pm. Matchless bar is at 557 Manhattan ave. @ Driggs in Brooklyn NY 11211. website-
This e-mail is to get animators who are willing to submit clips or films for the show. A more proper invite will be circulated when things get more finalized.
Richard Mather
Email rmatherstudio AT
PS: I must receive all movies by Feb. 18th.