On Sunday, May 18th 2014, ASIFA-East held its 45th Annual ASIFA-East Animated Film Festival Awards Ceremony. It was a big year for us as we ushered in the crowd to The New School’s absolutely stunning new Tishman Auditorium, introduced our first comedienne host Liz Miele, and debuted the Peggy Award statuette! Congratulations again to all our winners! Here’s a look back on the evening in photos. These will also be added to our Facebook group where you can all tag yourselves! Photos by Robert Raymond, Dayna Gonzalez, and Brett Thompson. Animated GIF by Dan Savage. Our Photo Booth pictures can be found at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10152453435024513.
- Our host for the evening was comedienne Liz Miele, creator of the hit web series Damaged.
- Introducing the new Peggy Award!
- The crowd gathers at Wollman Hall for the reception.
- Animator’s Whiteboard!
- The gang at the After-Party: Fiddlesticks Pub
- Ceremony Arrivals
- Thank you to one of our sponsors, BatteryPop!
- Bill is ready to party.
- Linda sets up the photo booth.
- Bob sets up the lunchbox!
- Bob films Emmett drawing.
- Prepping the certificates.
- Hey it’s Lil Bub!
- Yummy dessert!
- John Lustig and PBR
- Linda Presents the Peggy